The story behind Lustro begins in 2013, when Dr. Lucas Lu, Lustro’s founder, was at LightInTheBox (NYSE: LITB), a global online shopping platform. Lucas had led the LITB team in successfully taking the company public when a long-time friend from Africa reached out to inquire about how to get high-end wig products from China. Although such products were sold on lightinthebox.com, this prompted Lucas to take a deeper look into the industry — and what he found was lacking. In fact, after contacting numerous wig suppliers, he found that the high-end market was largely unregulated, with little to no quality-control measures, making it virtually impossible to find a consistent product.
Lucas, an engineer by trade, was accustomed to solving problems, so the experience of not having a ready solution made a lasting impression on him.
As fate would have it, in 2015 Lucas was approached by a design director whom he had worked with for 15 years about her desire to bring the highest-quality wigs to market. Lucas enthusiastically jumped at the idea, and so began their journey towards making the best possible wigs available.
Given his strong engineering background, Lucas was very familiar with using technology to innovate and improve product quality through novel resources and committed research and development. Over the next few years Lucas and Pai, his design partner, utilized new science and technology, such as honeycomb lace hair and artificial scalp design, along with rigorous industrial standards to control the quality of their products. In relentless pursuit of quality, Pai even made one trip that involved a 26-hour drive through the Himalayas in order to purchase one girl’s 24-inch-long hair.
The end result is Lustro: a combination of our passion for style and technology. It is our belief that only with stringent quality-control measures, and the finest in hair and hair technology, can we deliver the highest caliber of wigs to our customers.
In 2019, after several years of careful preparation, Lustro launched a brand new line of products. While only a limited number of products are available to start, they already have been very well received by salons, stylists, and consumers alike.
Our philosophy is to bring beauty to you, so start your Lustro journey today!
Buy it. Feel it. Love it.